Natural Food Colors in Product Development

Dr Winston Boyds’, most recent article on Natural Food Colors was published in the June edition of Prepared Foods magazine

Where food colorants are concerned, there are unstoppable changes afoot in the industry!

Today’s food manufacturer is faced with, what is for some, a substantial dichotomy. There is a great deal of information to evaluate regarding consumer preferences, on the one hand, and technical feasibility and economics on the other. The challenge becomes making a sound decision about what colorants to choose to meet current demands for clean labels, while maintaining as much as possible the quality, safety, appearance, shelflife, and profitability of existing product formulations.

Winston, a senior consultant at Focus International, is an internationally recognized expert in food colorants derived from natural sources. He has authored a number of trade articles on food and ingredient technology, and he has presented at international symposia on food colorant technology.

Congratulations Winston an excellent article – if you have any questions on Natural Colors please contact Winston on